Future events

Look here for information about our regular weekly one-ball sessions and our club afternoons and evenings.

Future events at Compton Croquet Club:

24 JanuaryAll dayWinter Doubles
22 FebruaryAll dayWinter Doubles
26 February2pmAnnual General Meeting at Eastbourne Bowling Club
7 MayTBDShield internal competition
10 May10am startOpen Day at Compton CC
16 - 17 MayAll dayGC A-Level CqE series
21 MayTBDGala internal competition
24 - 27 MayAll dayAC Inter-County Championship
4 JuneTBDGala/Shield internal comp
13 JuneTBDGala/Shield internal comp
21 - 22 JuneAll dayAC COWhorn open event
2 JulyTBDShield internal competition
5 JulyAll dayGC B-Level CqE series
6 JulyAll dayGC C-Level CqE series
12-13 JulyAll dayGC European League Qualifying Stage
18 JulyTBDGala internal competition
25 JulyAll dayCCC's 10+ open event
26 JulyAll dayCCC's 7+ open event
27 JulyAll dayCCC's 3+ open event
6 AugustTBDShield internal competition
22 AugustTBDGala internal competition
23 AugustAll dayGC D-Level CqE series
3 SeptemberTBDShield internal competition
12 SeptemberTBDGala internal competition
19 - 21 SeptemberAll dayAC South of England Championship
27 - 28 SeptemberAll dayGC C-Level CqE series final

More information about these events, including opportunities to assist, is posted on the noticeboard in the clubhouse.