The online booking system allows members to book time on the lawns. In order to use the booking system, you need your email address and a password. All members' emails are held within the system so that you can access the booking system for the first time. If you are a new member, contact the Club Secretary and ask for your email address to be recognised. When you first use the booking system, enter your email address and click on Lost your password? The system will send you an email with a link to a page where can set your password.
The booking system allows members to book time on any of the lawns. The committee may override bookings made on the booking system for club functions, maintenance and other club-related purposes.
Please be mindful of other club members when you use the online booking system. If you book a time slot on a lawn and then change your mind about playing at the time you booked, please cancel the original booking so that the time slot will be available for booking by other members. At the moment please do not make personal bookings for more than two weeks in advance.
A member who has booked a lawn has priority over a walk-in member who happens to be playing on the lawn that has been booked. However, we hope that all members will approach this issue in a spirit of co-operation.